Dear colleagues and friends,
We would like to inform you, that the vernissage of 5th international photo exhibition Travel and Emotions will take part this week on Thursday in the 22nd of June 2023 in Slovakia, town-spa Piešťany in the complex Balnea, the hotel Balnea Esplanade.
Thank you to all associations who supported us by communication to the members. The international jury decided:
awards to our colleagues from Belgium and Bulgaria:
Mr. Karl Mouleman, Belgium – Italian painter at Lago di Orta
Mr. Radoslav Sviretsov, Bulgaria – PARALELLUM
Mr. Rudolf Bihary, Slovakia – Summer photo academy
Ms. Katarína Lišková, Slovakia – Mariachis from the square Garibaldi
We invited both foreign awarded photo authors to Pieštany.
Wishing a nice day
Ľudmila Novacká, president of FIJET SLOVAKIA
Marian Pauer, ESFIAP
Martin Valo, professional coordinator