Photo exhibition Travel and Emotions in Piešťany, Slovakia

June 22, 2023 was the D-day of the opening of the 5th edition of the international competition and exhibition Travel and Emotions, organized by FIJET SLOVAKIA at the Balnea Esplanade in Piešťany. This year’s theme stimulated competing tourism journalists to highlight in their photographs moments between people in the visited location, moments in nature, moments in culture. 

International specialist jury led by PhDr. Marián Pauera ESFIAP, selected 55 photographs by authors from the Czech Republic, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Canada, Austria, and Slovakia for the presentation of the exhibition. The organizers of the exhibition were happy that most of the photographs brought a message from people’s lives. A pleasant surprise were photos from Slovakia from foreign journalists.

The mayor of Piešťany, Peter Jančovič, welcomed those present and highly rated the idea of ​​mediating the lives of local people in the form of photographs by traveling journalists. Agáta Mikulová, the executive director of the exhibition’s main partner KOCR Region of Experiences, praised FIJEET SLOVAKIA’s efforts to “bring” foreign journalists to the Trnava Region and the exhibition to Piešťany. The president of FIJET SLOVAKIA Ľudmila Novacká emphasized that every year is held in Piešťany. The spa town is the “home port” of Travel and Emotions.

exhibition_RB_opening_všetci_mini_1 The artistic message of quality content expressed by the author in his photograph was emphasized by the chairman of the jury and the curator of the exhibition, Marián Pauer.


Travel and EMotions 2023 results: Individual photo:

Rudolf Bihary, Slovakia – Summer academy of photography


Karel Meuleman Belgium – Italian painter on Lago di Orta


Radoslav Sviretsov, Bulgaria – PARALELLUM

Story category, photo series: Katarína Lišková, Slovakia – Mariachis from Garibaldi square


Special category children and youth: Jerguš Polák, Slovakia – Traveller


Pleasant moments during the opening








Thanks to the partners who supported the Travel and Emotions 2023 event::

Regional tourism organization Region of experiences

Hotel Elisabeth Trencin

Hotel Alexander Bardejov

Theme park Dunajská Streda

Ansana, Hotel Esplanade Piešťany

Travel and Emotions 2023

Autor:FIJET Slovakia
Počet videní:1032
2 min. čítania
Travel and Emotions 2023
Medzinárodná výstava fotografií novinárov,  ktorí sa venujú cestovnému ruchu  CESTOVANIE a EMÓCIE – TRAVEL and EMOTIONS   otvára 5. ročník svojej histórie  víťazných autorských fotografických počinov . 22.06.2023 vo štvrtok o 16.00 hod.  sa  bude konať  slávnostné odovzdávanie ocenení a vernisáž   výstavy v Piešťanoch, na kúpeľnom ostrove v hoteli Balnea

Medzinárodná porota pod vedením  PhDr. Mariána Pauera,  ESFIAP vyhodnotila  a navrhla na ocenenie tieto autorské fotografie:

Individuálna fotografia:  Rudolf Bihary, Slovensko –  Letná akadémia fotografie (viď  plagát)

                                             Karel Meuleman Belgicko – Taliansky maliar na Lago di Orta


                                              Radoslav Sviretsov, Bulharsko –  PARALELLUM


Príbeh, seriál fotografií:    Katarína Lišková, Slovensko – Mariachis z námestia                                                                 Garibaldi


Špeciálna kategória deti a mládež:   Jerguš Polák, Slovensko – Cestovateľ


Text: L. Nov.

Titulná fotografia:  Katarína Lišková

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