
Who We Are

Cyprus Travel Writers & Journalists Society was founded in 1978 by a group of distinguished professionals actively engaged in journalism, publications, writing, book authors, and freelancers in print and broadcast media with special interest in travelling and tourism affairs.

The main objectives of the Society are amongst other the following:

  1. Writings articles and publications in print or electronic media on topics that cover the wider tourism sector of the country as well as internationally.
  2. Encouraging the writing and publishing of tourism articles and studies, the publication of tourist books and the strengthening of every public and private effort, which tends to promote Tourism.
  3. The emphasis on the economic, social and cultural importance of Tourism in general and the assistance of efforts to stimulate and consolidate the tourist consciousness.

The culmination of the successful activities and events of the Society was amongst other the international projection of Cyprus as a favourite tourist destination, and  FIJET award “Pomme d’Or” or Golden Apple, for excellence, presented in 1987 to “Laiki Gitonia” of Nicosia city.

It is worth mentioning that our Society is a member or World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET), which has Consultative Status in UNESCO as a Non-Governmental Organization. FIJET is also affiliated with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Universal Federation of Travel Agents Association, and the International Council of Tourism Partners.

In the late 1990s, for various reasons, the Society became inactive. With the new developments in the global tourism sector however, a small group of members with some new active individuals tried in 2020 and succeeded in reactivating the Society.

With the experience, the knowledge but also the connections that exist abroad, the Society continues to give its presence in international forums and of course in the effort of tourism development.