Τα αρχαία Σάλωνα στο Σολίν της Κροατίας The ancient Salona is situated on the delta of the river Jadro in Solin city. The first inhabitants were the Illyrian tribe Delmati (3rd century BC), followed by Greek settlers (78 BC). In 48 BC, Caesar developed Salona as the Roman city and named it “Colonia Martia Ivlia...Read More
Η πανέμορφη πόλη Σολίν της Κροατίας με τις ελληνικές ρίζες From the distance and especially from above it looks like a canvas with colourful paint dripping down them – but this image actually shows the breathtaking natural wonder of the river. Από μακριά και ειδικά από ψηλά μοιάζει με ένα καμβά γεμάτο χρώματα να στάζουν κάτω...Read More
Μουσείο Γλαύκου Κληρίδη – Αίθουσα κειμηλίων «Γλαύκος Κληρίδης» Visitors to Glafcos Cleride’s exhibition can see objects that belonged to the distinguished Cypriot politician and his family and which help tell the story of his extraordinary life. Οι επισκέπτες στην προσωπική έκθεση αντικειμένων του Γλαύκου Κληρίδη, μπορούν να δουν αντικείμενα που ανήκαν στον διακεκριμένο πολιτικό και...Read More
Olympia was the birthplace of the most famous and important sporting event in the ancient world. The Olympic Games took place here every four years from 776 BC to 393 AD. The site was also a place of worship dedicated to the Greek god Zeus from about the 10th century BC. Η Ολυμπία ήταν η...Read More
Το Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο της Ολυμπίας Olympia’s Archaeological Museum exhibits are some of the most significant exhibitions of the ancient world displaying the long history of the sanctuary of Zeus and the Olympic Games, as well as artwork dating back thousands of years. Το Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο της Ολυμπίας εκθέτει μερικά από τα πιο σημαντικά ευρήματα του αρχαίου...Read More
Μονή Αγίου Γεωργίου Αλαμάνου (Μοναγρούλι) επαρχία Λεμεσού Agios Geogios Alamanos Monastery is located near the villages of Pentakomo and Monagroulli, near the seaside within the Limassol district of Cyprus.This Byzantine style monastery was built in the 12th century. Η Μονή του Αγίου Γεωργίου Αλαμάνου βρίσκεται κοντά στα χωριά Πεντάκωμο και Μοναγρούλι κοντά στη θάλασσα στην...Read More
Το εντυπωσιακό φρούριο της Ακροναυπλίας στο Ναύπλιο The impressive Acronafplia Fortress was originally a town in itself, located in the ancient part of the city. The fortress was first built in the 3rd century with walls that reach a height of 85 meters and has undergone many enhancements over the centuries, including influences from both...Read More
Ναύπλιο, πρωτεύουσα της Ελλάδας μεταξύ 1823 και 1834 One of the most beautiful towns in the area of Argolis (in eastern Peloponnese) as well as one of the most romantic cities all over Greece, Nafplio was the first capital of the newly born Greek state between 1823 and 1834. Μια από τις πιο όμορφες πόλεις...Read More
Bourtzi Castle is a magnet for tourists Το Κάστρο Μπούρτζι είναι πόλο έλξης για τους τουρίστες At the entrance of the port of Nafplio at about 450m from the waterfront, there is the landmark of the city, Bourtzi, built on the island of Saints Theodoroi. Bourtzi Castle fascinates visitors from all over the world due...Read More
Έκθεση για τα μεσαιωνικά έθιμα στο Κάστρο Μπραν, Τρανσυλβανία – Ρουμανία The interrogation seat was used in central Europe, particularly in Nuremberg and in Regensburg, until 1846 during regular judicial preliminary investigations. The accused was placed nude in such a position that any movement would cause his skin to be plerced by the spines. This torture usually...Read More
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